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Top tips for using a plunger!

Top tips for using a plunger!

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   Here are a few top tips for successful plunging
Apply to sealing edge Use petroleum jelly on the sealing edge of the plunger (or cup washers) to help create a good seal. This will also prevent the rubber from drying and cracking which will enhance the life of the plunger.
The petroleum jelly increases suction to the  applied surface and therefore improves the seal prior to plunging.
Sunlight can cause the rubber to crack and perish Do not leave your plunger in direct sunlight as this will cause the rubber to crack and perish
Tape can be used to cover and block off any over flows Having trouble sealing off the over flow in a sink or bath? Then consider using a strip of strong adhesive tape over the over flow hole.
Run the plunger under hot water to soften the rubber before use If you store your plunger outside and the rubber is cold, consider running the cup under warm water as warm soft rubber is more pliable and you will get a better seal.
Hot water can help soften the blockage Use hot water to fill the drain, toilet or sink up to the required level for plunging. Hot water can help to soften the blockage, making it easier to plunge and dislodge.
If you use hot water on the blockage, make sure you allow the water to  cool before plunging. This will help to avoid burns  and scolds from hot water splashes.
Pouring chemicals in to the drain/gulley/sink can be harmfull Avoid using chemicals to unblock a drain or gulley. Not only are they harmful to the environment, but chemicals can also splash back and cause injury to the person plunging.

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