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How to use a flange plunger?

How to use a flange plunger?

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A step by step guide to using a flange plunger

Step 1

Step 1 – Pick up plunger

Arm yourself with a flange plunger.

Apply petroleum jelly to the edge of the cup

Step 2 – Ensure a tight seal

To ensure a tight seal, apply a liberal amount of petroleum jelly to the sealing edge of the cup.

Pull the flange downwards out of the cup

Step 3 – Pull out flange

Pull out the flange from inside the cup

The plunger needs to be at least half submerged in water

Step 4 – Submerge plunger

The plunger needs to be submerged in water to be effective. As a general rule, the cup should be at least half covered in water. If there is not enough water in the toilet, add some until the cup is covered, but do not flush the toilet as this may cause it to overflow

Angle the plunger on entry to release any air lock

Step 5 – Angle entry

Angle the entry of the plunger into the water, this will eliminate any possible air lock.

Insert the flange into the gulley

Step 6 – Insert flange

Insert the flange of the plunger into the gulley

Ensure the plunger has a good seal

Step 7 – Ensure tight seal

Ensure the plunger has a tight seal with the gulley.

Firmly press the handle down into the plunger

Step 8 – Press down firmly

Press down on the plunger handle firmly; this will flatten out the cup.

When plunging, use firmly, but not breaking the seal

Step 9 – Begin plunging

Begin plunging, pulling up and down firmly on the handle, being careful to not break the connection between the sealing edge and gulley edge.

Pull the plunger away firmly to break the seal

Step 10 – Work plunger

Work the plunger up and down a few times, with quick pulls and positive force, then give the plunger a forceful pull upwards to break the seal and lift up out of the water.

Flush to see if the blockage has dislodged

Step 11 – Check water level

Watch to see if the water level in the toilet alters. If the level goes down, flush the toilet. If the blockage is loosened or dislodged, the water will flush away down the drain.

In some cases, if the water level stays the same, the blockage may require a bit more work, so the process should be repeated.

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