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Integral vs Detachable Batteries

Integral vs. detachable batteries

Shop for Cordless Screwdrivers

Cordless screwdriver with built in battery Cordless screwdrivers either have an integral battery which is built-in to the tool itself….
Cordless screwdriver with detachable battery …or a detachable battery, which can be separated from the main part of the tool when it comes time to recharge it.

So which one should you choose? WONKEE DONKEE is here to help!

Integral batteries

Cordless screwdriver with integral battery This is an example of a cordless screwdriver with an integral battery.

You cannot see the battery because it is beneath the plastic casing.

Tick and cross
  • Cordless tools with integral batteries tend to be significantly lighter than those with detachable ones because the battery is smaller.
  • Because the battery is smaller, the tool is usually smaller, and can work in more confined spaces.
  • The tool is ‘out of use’ when it is charging and you will have to wait until it has charged before you can use it again.

Detachable batteries

Cordless screwdriver with detachable battery On the left is an example of a cordless screwdriver with a detachable battery.

This type of battery can be removed when it needs recharged.

Tick and cross
  • If you have a cordless tool with a detachable battery and you purchase a spare battery as well, the tool never has to be out of use when one of the batteries is being recharged.
  • Cordless tools with detachable batteries tend to be heavier than those with integral batteries because the battery is usually larger.
Price tag

Which one should you choose?

Cordless screwdrivers with integral batteries are usually smaller, lighter and less expensive.

However, they are usually less powerful and because the battery cannot be removed, the tool is out of use while it’s charging.

scales Cordless screwdrivers with detachable batteries are usually more powerful and if you have a spare battery, the tool can still be used while one battery is charging.

However, cordless screwdrivers with detachable batteries are usually larger, heavier and more expensive.

Wonkee Donkee Tools