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Do you need a cordless drill driver if you already own a cordless combi drill?

Do you need a cordless drill driver if you
already own a cordless combi drill?

Shop for Cordless Drill Drivers

Cordless combi drills

Green cordless combi drill driver and red cordless drill driver A cordless combi drill is a power tool designed to drill holes in brickwork and masonry. Most cordless combi drills are more powerful than drill drivers as they have a hammer function which allows them to drill through tough materials easily.
Expensive price tag


Cordless combi drills are usually heavier and more expensive than cordless drill drivers. They are also usually more powerful, making it easy to damage the surface of softer materials (e.g. softwoods).

Different materials If you want to drill holes in a variety of materials including soft and hardwoods, plastic and metal, as well as inserting and removing screws, then consider using a cordless drill driver.

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