Tap reseaters fix that leaking tap that gets on everyone’s nerves. There are several things that can cause a dripping tap such as a damaged seat. A damaged seat can be easily fixed using a tap reseater.
The tap seat is subject to constant use. It is directly below the washer, which is moved up and down every time a tap is used. This movement, along with its constant contact with water, wears down the seat and causes corrosion.
The tap seat is especially delicate in hard water areas where limescale can build up. The tap reseater can be used a number of times to grind down the seat, but eventually the whole tap will need to be replaced.
Tap reseaters can also be used for repairing stopcocks in the same way they repair taps. Stopcocks are used to turn off the water supply to internal outlets.
How does a tap reseater work?
A worn down or built-up seat causes unevenness. This means that when the washer is down there may be room for water to trickle through; causing a drip.
The tap reseater grinds away any unevenness on the seat so that it is smooth. This means that the washer is able to sit flush on the seat and there is no gaps for water to pass through.