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How to fix a leaking tap using a tap reseater?

How to fix a leaking tap using a tap reseater?

Shop for Tap Reseaters

Turn OFF the Water Supply

turn off the stopcock Remember to turn off the water supply before doing any plumbing jobs. If there is not a stopcock for the tap you are repairing, you will need to turn it off at the mains. Once you have done that, turn on the taps to release the pressure and water already in the system.
compression washer taps Before you can reseat the tap, you must first gain access to the seat by disassembling the tap. Whilst compression washer taps are all similar, disassembly may vary slightly from model to model. One method is shown below.

To disassemble a compression washer tap…

place the plug or cloth over the plughole

Step 1- Plug hole!

Place the plug or a cloth in the plughole to stop any small parts escaping down the drain.

remove the tap cap with flat object

Step 2 – Remove cap

Remove the cap using a flathead screwdriver or blade.

remove the tap handle

Step 3 – Unscrew top

Unscrew the handle, removing both the screw and the handle.

unscrew the tap body

Step 4 – Remove tap cover

Some tap designs have a decorative cap or cover, if this is the case, unscrew and remove to reveal the nut. Use an adjustable spanner or pipe grips with a cloth to prevent marking the tap body.

remove the retaining nut with adjustable spanner

Step 5 – Loosen retaining nut

Loosen and remove the retaining nut with an adjustable spanner.

remove the tap spindle

Step 6 – Remove the spindle

Lift and remove the spindle.

To reseat the now exposed tap…

choose the right sized parts for your tap

Step 1- Check the size

Ensure you have the right sized threaded piece and cutter for the reseater.

insert the reseater in to the tap body

Step 2 – Insert cutter

Place the reseater cutter downwards into the tap body.

tighten the threaded section in to the retaining nut screw hole

Step 3 – Secure in tap

Tighten the threaded section in the retaining nut screw hole.

 Remember righty tighty, lefty loosey.
apply some pressure and twist the tap reseater

Step 4 – Reseat tap

Twist the reseater in a clockwise direction, applying a moderate amount of pressure.

shiny smooth repaired tap seat

Step 5 – Check seating

Remove the tap reseater and inspect the seat. The process may need repeating several times until you have a shiny-looking seat which is smooth to the touch. A smooth seat is a repaired seat and the washer should now sit flush.

Reassemble the tap

tap washers and o-rings Whilst the tap is disassembled, it is advisable to also check that the O-rings and washer are in full working order and replace if necessary.
dripping tap Then you can reassemble the tap in the reverse order you took it apart. The tap should now be fixed, if the leak persists, contact a plumber.

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