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How do you solder a solder ring fitting using plumbing irons?

How to solder a solder ring fitting using plumbing irons?

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Things you will need:

TB Plumbing irons Plumbing iron
Solder ring pipe fitting Solder ring fitting
Copper pipe cleaning strips Copper pipe cleaning cloth or wire wool
TB Flux Flux
TB Flux brushes specific to apply flux Flux brush
TB Damp cloth Damp cloth
Plumbing iron stand A heat resistant stand (supplied with the irons) or a heat resistant surface.
Before soldering a solder joint, make sure that there is no water left in the pipes, as this will prevent the pipes from reaching the required temperature for effective soldering.
Clean the outside of the copper pipe

Step 1 – Clean pipe

Clean the outside of the pipe using the pipe cleaner, ensuring that all parts to be fluxed are cleaned well.

Apply the flux immediately after cleaning the pipe****google image

Step 2 – Apply flux

Apply the flux solution immediately after cleaning using the flux brush, making sure that all the cleaned parts are covered.

Twist the pipe fittings together to ensure flux coverage

Step 3 – Fit pipework together

Push the pieces of fluxed pipe into the solder fitting and twist.

Twisting the pipes together ensures the flux covers the whole surface evenly.
Switch the plumbing irons on

Step 4 – Turn on tool

Turn on the plumbing iron, making sure they are on either a stand or a heat resistant surface.

Temperature indicator light

Step 5 – Bring to temperature

Before using the plumbing irons, make sure they are fully heated up. Some models may have an indicator light to show this.

Place the jaws on the plumbing irons over the solder ring ****google image

Step 6 – Place heads on pipe

Take the plumbing irons and place the clamping heads onto the pipe, approximately 3mm (1/8″) away from the joint, this will keep the heads clear of any running solder.

Apply the heat to the pipe

Step 7 – Apply heat

Apply the heat to the pipe.

When heating the pipe work with the irons, make sure that the heads have a tight fitting contact with the pipe surface.

Step 8 – Keep tight contact

When heating the pipe work with the irons, make sure that the heads are tightly in contact with the pipe surface. This ensures the pipe heats up to temperature and that all surfaces are heated.

finished fitting

Step 9 – Ensure line of solder is seen

When a line of solder can be seen around the edge of the fitting, take the heat away from the pipe. See table below for timings.

Place the plumbing irons on the stand

Step 10 – Place on stand

Remove the irons from the pipe and place back on the stand, until the next joint is ready to be soldered, or switch the tool off if all the joints are sealed.

Wipe the flux away with a damp cloth

Step 11 – Allow to cool

Allow the pipe work to cool, then, taking the damp cloth, wipe away any excess flux.

Flush the piping thoroughly after cooled to remove any traces of flux **** made up from google images

Step 12 – Flush and check

Once all the soldering to the pipe work is complete, flush the pipes through with clean water, this will remove any waste material and remaining flux from within the pipes as well as highlighting any possible leaks.

Below are the approximate times it takes for a solder ring fitting to seal on the pipe:

Approximate times for solder ring fitting to seal

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