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What is a moisture meter?

What is a moisture meter?

Shop for Moisture Meters

What is a moisture meter, pin type A moisture meter is a device used to identify the water content of various items. It can also be referred to as a damp meter.
other types of moisture meter, grain moisture meter and soil moisture meter There are different moisture meters available for different occupational needs. For example, there is a grain moisture meter for farmers and a soil moisture meter for gardeners.
moisture meter used on wood The ones we will be focusing on are wood and masonry moisture meters, which are used by woodworkers, people in the building trades and by property specialists.
types of wood moisture meter, pin and pinless moisture meters There are two types of moisture meter for wood and masonry: pin and pinless. They are both hand-held boxes with display screens. The pin-type has protruding pins at the top, while the pinless variety has a sensor on the back.
types of moisture meter indicator, analogue and digital The majority of moisture meters now available are digital and the reading generally takes the form of a percentage. There are also analogue moisture meters available, which work on a scale rather than a screen. Apart from this they function in the same way.
9v square and coin batteries power moisture meters Moisture meters are powered by batteries: digital ones usually require coin cell batteries while analogue meters commonly need 9-volt batteries, which can be normal or rechargeable. Batteries are are generally provided with the meter.
woodworker using plaining tool Moisture meters are primarily used by woodworkers, but they can also be useful to building inspectors, floor fitters and DIYers.

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