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How to hold a two-handled rasp?

How to hold a two-handled rasp?

Shop for Dry Wall Rasps

Plane and flat file type two-handled dy wall rasps How you hold a two-handled rasp depends on whether it’s a plane type or flat file type.

How to hold a plane-type, two-handled rasp

How to hold the main handle of a two-handled plane type dry wall rasp in your dominant hand. The main handle of a plane-type, two-handled rasp should be held in your dominant hand and gripped in the same manner as you would hold a saw.
The main handle is used to push the tool forward, as you would with a plane.
Place your palm on the second handle to guide the tool Place the palm of your non-dominant hand on top of the second handle and use it to guide the tool as it is pushed forward.

How to hold a flat file type two-handled rasp

Grasp the main handle of a flat file type two-handled dry wall rasp like the end of a snooker cue. The main handle should be held in your dominant hand and grasped as you would the end of a snooker cue.
Use the palm of your non-dominant hand on the second handle to guide the tool. Place the palm of your non-dominant hand on top of the second handle and use it to guide the tool as it is pushed forward.

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