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How do you file grind dents and burrs from a pickaxe head?

How to grind or file dents and burrs
from a pickaxe head

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Pickaxe secured in a vice

Step 1 – Place pickaxe in vice

Secure the pickaxe in a vice, so you can safely work on it.

Grinder being used to remove burrs and dents from a pickaxe head

Step 2 – Remove burrs and dents

Using a hand-held grinder with a suitable metal grinding disc, run the blade along the edges of the head to remove the burrs and dents.

Filing dents and burrs from a pickaxe head with a hand file If you don’t have a grinder, then step 2 can be done with a rough hand file, although it will take you a lot longer.
 Wonkee Donkee says: "Remember if you use a grinder to remove burrs or dents on your pickaxe head it is important that the head is kept cool by regularly placing it in water. If the steel is overheated whilst grinding it can become soft."

Wonkee Donkee Tools