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What are ESD cutters?

What are ESD cutters?

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An electronics cutter with specially insulated handles to prevent electrostatic discharge ESD (or electrostatic discharge) cutters are electronics cutters that are specially insulated to avoid damaging sensitive components through electrostatic discharges.

Can I use ESD cutters to cut through a live electrical wire?

Do not cut a live electrical wire with an ESD cutter or any other tool. NO! Static electricity is not the same thing as an electrical current. ESD cutters are not designed to protect the user from high electrical voltages. You should never attempt to cut through an electrical wire with any tool without switching off the power first.
A sensitive component like a semiconductor can be damaged by an electrostatic discharge if a wire is cut with an uninsulated cutter The purpose of ESD cutters is to protect sensitive components from being damaged by small electrostatic discharges.

What is an electrostatic discharge?

Electrostatic discharges happen due to a triboelectric event where electrons travel between atoms An electrostatic discharge is a sudden transfer of electrons between two materials when they are brought into contact and then separated.
Woolly jumpers have higher triboelectric ratings than teflon pans Some materials (like wool or nylon) have a naturally higher electrical charge than other materials (like Teflon or plastic wrap). When materials with different levels of charge come into contact, they exchange electrons, to equalize their electrochemical potential (if an atom has too many or too few electrons, it is less likely to react with other elements).
Donkeys can gain a signifigant electrostatic charge whilst walking over shag carpets Humans (and donkeys) can easily build up a high positive charge through everyday activities like walking across a carpeted room. A small electrostatic discharge occurs every time they take a step, and they gain electrons from the carpet. This stored charge will then be transferred to the next negatively charged object they touch, like a door handle.
Electrostatic discharges occur every time two objects interact, but they are usually too small for us to notice. When they are large enough to be felt by a human (or a donkey), it registers as what we call a “static shock”.
If electrostatic charge accumulates in the handle of the electronics cutter, it can damage sensitive components Tools like electronics cutters can also accumulate an electrostatic charge over time, which can be transferred when they come into contact with the materials that they are being used on.
A component that has been damaged by an electrostatic discharge Even a tiny electrostatic discharge can have drastic effects on sensitive components like semiconductors and resistors. Electricity in circuit boards travels along microscopic copper lines in very small voltages. If these copper lines receive a sudden surge of electrostatic voltage they can break, like a garden hose would burst if it was hooked up to a fire engine.
ESD cutters prevent electrostatic buildups or discharge ESD cutters prevent this from happening. They have insulated handles, built from materials that don’t accumulate an electrostatic charge.

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