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How to measure with a folding square?

How to measure using a folding square

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Carpenters square, folding squares, carpenter, carpentry, angles, woodwork, measuring, framing, right angle, stone masonry, building, construction, flooring, paving, DIYer. Folding squares are used for a number of different applications including: measuring, marking and checking.

Read on to find out how to apply the folding square to the most common applications.

Carpenters square, folding squares, carpenter, carpentry, angles, woodwork, measuring, framing, right angle, stone masonry, building, construction, flooring, paving, DIYer.

Step 1 – Position folding square

Line up the ruler side of the folding square with the area of the workpiece you want to measure.

Carpenters square, folding squares, carpenter, carpentry, angles, woodwork, measuring, framing, right angle, stone masonry, building, construction, flooring, paving, DIYer.

Step 2 – Measure workpiece

Hold the folding square firmly against the workpiece.

Look at the ruler markings and measure the workpiece.

Carpenters square, folding squares, carpenter, carpentry, angles, woodwork, measuring, framing, right angle, stone masonry, building, construction, flooring, paving, DIYer.

Step 3 – Mark workpiece

If the work needs to be marked, use a pencil and draw a line at the point you want to measure.

Carpenters square, folding squares, carpenter, carpentry, angles, woodwork, measuring, framing, right angle, stone masonry, building, construction, flooring, paving, DIYer. Use the side of the folding square to draw a straight line across the workpiece. This will then give you a guide if the workpiece needs to be cut.

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