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What manual swaging tool sizes are available?

What manual swaging tool sizes are available?

Shop for Manual Swaging Tools

sizes, lengths, swaging tool sizes, swaging tool lengths, All of the manual swaging tools available measure approximately 265mm (10.4in) from the tips of the blades to the ends of the handles.
scales, weighing scales, weights, tool weights, However, weights vary depending on the model and the number of blades. The different manual swaging tool weights available are listed below.

Standard manual swaging tool weights

size comparison, weight comparison, swaging tool, computer tablet, weighing scales, scales, A five-bladed standard manual swaging tool weighs 518g (1lb 2.3oz). For comparison, that’s slightly less than an average-sized tablet computer.
size comparison, weight comparison, swaging tool, computer tablet, weighing scales, scales, Because it has two fewer blades, the three-bladed standard manual swaging tool weighs less, at 450g (1lb). For comparison, that’s roughly the same as a standard-sized football.

Ergonomic manual swaging tool

size comparison, weight comparison, swaging tool, computer tablet, weighing scales, scales, A five-bladed ergonomic manual swaging tool weighs 540g (1lb 3oz) – just under 20g (0.7oz) more than the equivalent standard model. For comparison, 540g is about the same as a medium box of breakfast cereal.
size comparison, weight comparison, swaging tool, computer tablet, weighing scales, scales, A three-bladed model weighs substantially less at 462g (1lb 0.3oz). This is slightly heavier than an ordinary football, and roughly the same as ten golf balls.

Compound action swaging tool

swaging tool, manual swaging tool, swaging tool weights, Compound action swaging tools are only available as five-bladed models, and weigh much more than the other manual swaging tools, at 760g (1lb 10.8oz).
heavy, strong, tools, hand tools, tool arms, arms, strong arms, The greater weight of this tool is due to its heavy-duty construction, which incorporates a taller, thicker jaw than those of the other manual swaging tools available.
size comparison, weight comparison, swaging tool, computer tablet, weighing scales, scales, For comparison, 760g is slightly more than a large jar of chocolate spread.

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