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What are the different types of plumb bob?

What are the different types
of plumb-bob?

Shop for Plumb-Bobs

Plumb bobs, various plumb bobs, different shapes, plumb line, wonkee donkee tools DIY guide how to use a plumb bob There are really only a couple of different types of plumb-bob, both of which have evolved from the traditional “weight-on-a-string” type. Have a read below and get in the know.

Traditional plumb-bobs

Plumb bob, plummet, plumb line, weight, lead, marking out tool, wonkee donkee tools, DIY guide how to use a plumb bob The traditional plumb-bob is a simple and effective tool. It consists of a long string tied to a weight, at the bottom of which is a point for accurate marking. It couldn’t be simpler.

Flat plumb-bobs

flat plumb bob, plumb bob marking out tool plummet weight string wonkee donkee tools plumb bobs DIY guide how to use a plumb bob With a typical plumb-bob, it can sometimes be difficult to mark its position accurately as their bodies are usually rounded, which often leaves the tip an inch or so from your work-surface. The flat plumb-bob has been specially designed to overcome this problem.
Flat bob, plumb bob, wonkee donke tools, DIY guide, Its flat face allows it hang much closer to the surface of your work-piece and it also has a central vertical slot which allows for precision marking. Its flat face allows it to hang much closer to the surface of your workpiece and it also has a central vertical slot which allows for precision marking.

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